Braised Potatos

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Braised Potatoes

2 lbs. small red potatoes, about 1 1/2 inch diameter, scrubbed and cut in half (get these from Granny’s Produce at the farmer’s market)

Place in a skillet, cut side down

Add: 2 cups water

1 Tblsp. Realsalt

3 sprigs fresh thyme

3 Tblsp. butter (local butter can be found at the farmer’s market from Epicurean Chefs)

3 cloves garlic (whole, peeled)

Bring to a simmer and cover; let simmer for 15 minutes or until potatoes are just tender when tested with a knife. Don’t stir or move the potatoes during cooking! Just let them simmer away face down.

Remove lid and take the garlic out (it should be nice and soft), and increase heat - let water simmer away till gone and what you’ll have left in the bottom is just the butter, which is now browning and crisping the potatoes nicely.

Take the garlic you removed earlier and mince it up finely, then mix with a tiny bit of lemon juice (or if you are doing the Hardcore challenge, use some Slide Ridge Honey Wine Vinegar instead). Take the potatoes out of the pan and place in a bowl.

Sprinkle the minced garlic mixture over them, along with a handful of minced fresh chives. Serve and enjoy!

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