Mediterranean Veggies & Couscous

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Mediterranean Veggies & Couscous


1 eggplant from Urban farm & feed
1 summer squash or zucchini from Eat Local Challenge swap basket
1 patty pan or another zucchini from Keep It Real Vegetables
3 small carrots (I used tri-color carrots!) from Urban Farm & Feed
2 large heirloom tomatoes from Keep It Real Vegetables
1 bunch of leafy greens ( I used collards) from 3 squares produce
2 cloves of garlic from Sandhill farms
1/2 C pearl/Isreali couscous from Winco bulk bins
1 tbsp butter or vegan margarine
1 cup vegetable broth (homemade!)
Garam masala straight from Bahrain from my sisters trip!
salt to taste
Parsley from farmers market


Chop garlic finely and saute in butter with garam masala
Peel eggplant and saute until in garlic butter until it is halfway done
Dice the squash and chop the carrots and add to eggplant
Saute veggies until tender
Chop heirloom tomatoes (don’t seed) and add to veggies
Cook for a few minutes before adding couscous and broth
cook until couscous is tender
Salt to taste and top with fresh parsley

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